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Fig. 1 | Forest Ecosystems

Fig. 1

From: Effects of prescribed burning on carbon accumulation in two paired vegetation sites in subtropical China

Fig. 1

Tree biomass carbon storage (a, b) and shrub biomass carbon storage (c, d) in the 1st year to 6th year after treatments, respectively, corresponding to 2006 to 2011. BEU, UEU, BNS and UNS refers to the burned Eucalyptus plantation, unburned Eucalyptus plantation, burned naturally recovered shrubland and unburned naturally recovered shrubland, respectively. Values are means + SE, n = 3. Lowercase letters indicate significant differences in tree/ shrub biomass carbon storage between burned and unburned treatments in the Eucalyptus plantation or naturally recovered shrubland at the same stand age at the P = 0.05 level. B: burning; SA: stand age. The inserted P-values were from repeated measures ANOVA

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