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Table 1 List of the 27 features derived from the ALS metrics extracted for each segment

From: Mapping tree canopies in urban environments using airborne laser scanning (ALS): a Vancouver case study

Feature name


Normalized average height

Average height of all returns above 2 m, normalized by the 99th percentile of height.

Normalized standard deviation of height

Standard deviation of height of all returns above 2 m, normalized by the 99th percentile of height.

Normalized average square height

Average of the square of the height of all returns above 2 m, normalized by the 99th percentile of height.

Skewness of height

Skewness of the height of all returns above 2 m.

Kurtosis of height

Kurtosis of the height of all returns above 2 m.

Canopy cover from first returns

Fraction of first returns above the 2 m threshold (number of first returns above 2 m divided by the total number of first returns)

Canopy cover from all returns

Fraction of all returns above the 2 m threshold (number of all returns above 2 m divided by the total number of all returns)

Normalized percentiles of height: p = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95

Percentiles of height (height below which p % of points lay), normalized by the 99th percentile of height.

Bicentiles of height: b = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95

Percentage of the points whose height is below b % of the 99th percentile of height.