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Fig. 2 | Forest Ecosystems

Fig. 2

From: Integrating beneficiaries into assessment of ecosystem services from managed forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, USA

Fig. 2

Annual time series for greenhouse gas regulation in three watersheds at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Grafton County, NH, USA, where harvested products are used for the production of long-lived wood products (LLWP) or ethanol, as well as where biomass products do or do not substitute for more fossil fuel-intensive products. The value of the service is computed as a sum of aboveground stand carbon, emissions associated with harvest, product storage (LLWP), and product substitution. Watershed 6 is a reference watershed, watershed 4 underwent sequential strip clearcuts from 1970 to 1974, and watershed 5 was harvested using a whole-tree harvest treatment in 1983. The service is scaled on a [0, 1] scale

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